I would be more than happy to provide you with the contact information of some of my pet care clients for you to personally check my references, ask specific questions, etc. In the meantime, however, below are a few testimonials my clients have been kind enough to allow me to share with you. As well, please enjoy the photos of some of my clients at the bottom of the page.
PAISLEY – “My dog Paisley is so in love with Sheri. She is like a second mother to her. I know how well she has been treated by the way Paisley barks excitedly and happily when she sees Sheri, like she’s her favorite person in the world. When I watch her leave with Sheri she is running by her side like she is going on an adventure. When she comes home she’s all brushed and clean and I know she has been pampered.
Sheri has helped me through a tough time with the passing of our 14-year-old Airedale. Each day I was greeted with Sheri’s smile and her bright energetic, loving personality, she was a breath of fresh air and I didn’t have to go it alone. She is a gentle, knowledgeable nurse and when she took Jinxie’s vitals it saved me so many trips to the vet I couldn’t do in her condition. She helped with the daily bathing and thought of so many helpful tips only a professional would know. She is an angel on earth. We have to move to L.A., and I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do without Sheri. She is irreplaceable. I highly recommend her 4-star care of my pets.”
~ Patty & Bob
MIMI – “When my cat, Mimi, in her last months needed daily treatments which I could not do by myself, I was so grateful to be referred by Daphne Livoni (animal acupuncturist) to Sheri Ketchum. Sheri came many times over a period of months to assist in treatment and I found her presence so very helpful to me as well as to my beloved cat. Sheri has an extraordinary gift with animals and is a mine of helpful information. I cannot recommend her highly enough!”
~ Sally
FLO – “Dear Sheri: You are an amazing person and were such a gift to us when we really needed help with Flo. As Flo turned 17-1/2 she began to be immobile. She was able to walk a bit with assistance, but needed a “spotter” 24/7. Then she went to the phase of not being able to walk at all, but always eating well and drinking up her water and alert and “present” with us. I took her everywhere with me, but there were times when I just couldn’t do that and she could not be left alone. She had a medication schedule and could get herself into trouble if she did stand up and fall. She also had a few seizures and we never wanted her left alone as valium shots were necessary to stop the seizure activity to avoid her brain overheating. This was quite a lot of care and nursing – and very difficult to think of who would be able to first be trusted to pay quality attention to her every minute they were with her; and secondly be able to handle the physical aspect of picking her up, the medical and emotional task of giving her a shot if necessary, and the responsibility of keeping her on a feeding and medication schedule.
I remember from the minute I met you and saw your interaction with Flo, and your response to her and our decision to try everything possible to keep her here and comfortable, I truly felt we were graced by divine intervention. Okay, maybe really great networking to find you, but still we talked about the blessing of you every day in our house. Your attention to her needs and responsibility to her medication schedule, your thorough reporting back of her behavior and genuine care for her made it possible for us to know she was being so well taken care of that we felt we could leave to work or otherwise meet our obligations with complete peace of mind...” read more
ZEKE – “Sheri was recommended to me through a family friend when I needed someone to care for my 19 year old cat, Zeke. Upon our first meeting, I could see that Sheri was personable, kind, considerate and professional. For an initial consultation, Sheri came to my home and met with me and Zeke, who did not like strangers of any kind. To my surprise, Zeke was at ease with her immediately. She was gentle and observant when interacting with him. Sheri knows her way around animals and is very knowledgeable about their care, especially when handling issues that come with caring for geriatric animals. Sheri became a trusted care giver to my animal and I found her to be a good communicator and easy to work with. She provided recommendations, helped me solve problems and became a highly valued partner in Zeke’s care. She was someone I could trust to have a key to my home and someone I could call on when needed.
On one occasion, I was scheduled to take a flight for a business trip when Zeke became sick before I had to leave for the airport. I called Sheri, and she came over quickly and took him to the vet for me. She got to know my vet, brought Zeke home, cared for him and gave me regular updates on his condition. I don’t know what I would have done without her help. On another occasion, Zeke was not eating well so I was concerned. While I was away, Sheri went out of her way to shop for various foods (we had already discussed) and then used creative methods of getting him to eat. Through experimentation and working with him, she came up with some clever solutions. When I returned, I always got a full report of how Zeke did in general, what he ate and even his poop schedule (which if you have an old animal, becomes an important topic)...” read more
SCHENNA – “Sheri is the best! Not only does my dog love her (which is of course the most important thing!), but her deep knowledge and expertise make me trust her to handle everything correctly when I am not there, including communicating with me, so I don’t have to worry. She definitely has a heart for older dogs and used to take care of our 16 year old, but she is just as good and attentive with our new 2.5 year old!”
~ Inka
Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Servicing Marin County, CA. 415.279.4014
Marin, Marin County, Novato, Terra Linda, Lucas Valley, Marinwood, San Rafael, San Anselmo, Fairfax, Kentfield, Ross, Greenbrae, Larkspur, Corte Madera, Mill Valley, Strawberry, Tiburon, Belvedere, Tamalpais, Homestead Valley, Marin City, Sausalito, Petaluma, Sonoma County, 94952, 94954, 94945, 94947, 94949, 94903, 94901, 94960, 94930, 94904, 94939, 94925, 94920, 94941, 94965.
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Testimonials Continued...
Flo, San Rafael – “... As I write this I realize how it sounds to someone who did not love her as we did, and still do and always will. It sounds like it was her time, and we prolonged her life. That is possible that we did, but it was because of our immense connection to her and hers to us. She absolutely loved us and was alert and aware and ate and begged for biscuits and kept her very distinct personality right to the very peaceful end. To us, it was an honor to give up many things to be with her and take care of her. However, life and work and obligations required us to seek help and by some miracle we found you!
We both found your support of her and us to be such a comfort in a world where most people would ask us “is it her time?” or “is she is pain?” or “how old is she?” The comments most people would make were so depressing I would journal them at the end of the day and try to report with humor the ridiculous statements and questions we heard. I took comfort in the conversations we would have about her eating habit that day, or what methods worked best to help her take her medications...your meat balls were the bomb!
You were a very important person in our lives for the last six months of 2010. We could not have gotten through it without you! And we always appreciated your ideas and research on Flo’s behalf. You obviously love animals and care about their well being and your role in that. You are interested in finding solutions, but especially in how to make sure Flo was as comfortable as possible. You really knew her, and her nuances of eating, demanding treats, and trying to avoid her medications. She was an expert at hiding the pills and spitting them out later!!
Anyway, I could go on forever, but just know we appreciate who you are, and how you treated Flo with the most dear and attentive care we could ever hope for.”
~ Linda and Chris
Zeke, Ignacio – “...Hiring Sheri to care for Zeke was one of the best decisions I made and well worth the cost. It gave me peace of mind and improved Zeke’s quality of life during his last few years. We lost Zeke this year due to old age. Once again, Sheri was kind and helpful. She took 20 years of animal supplies for donation, helping me to go through the grieving process. I will not hesitate to hire Sheri again to care for my next animal. She takes her business seriously, is a trusted professional and I highly recommend her service.”
~ Debbie

Client Mug Shots
You couldn’t ask for a better job than to be able to spend time with the following group of animals (wish my image scroller would allow me to show you photos of all my furry and feathered friends!). Those pictured include: dilute orange Tabby Ginger, and her daughter dilute Tortie Misty, who receives subcutaneous fluids, from Novato; youngsters Pit Bull mix Mocha and Great Dane Harley from San Rafael, who enjoy neighborhood walks; Cockatiel Sunny (along with her three feathered friends not pictured); DSH bicolor kitty Darcy from Novato, who receives medications; Newfoundland Brutus from Mill Valley, now fully recovered from surgery; orange Tabby Cheddar and his Tortie sister Tillie from Corte Madera; Guinea Pig Wilbur (and his hermit crab friend not pictured) from Petaluma, boards in my home and receives medications; DLH orange Teddy from Novato; Miniature Poodle Chili from Greenbrae, who enjoys his neighborhood walks; black DSH Hunter, a now recovering diabetic (licking his chops), and his near-look-alike brother Casper. Aren’t they all just adorable—you just want to love them all to pieces!
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Pet Care Client Testimonials